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[稀有] 【端游】【梦幻西游2004怀旧服】【QQ群号:761465065】

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Rank: 1

发表于 2021-11-5 13:45:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Welcome to dream journey to the West 2004 nostalgic clothes!
+ M4 o8 H- u1 i/ _欢迎来到梦幻西游2004怀旧服!6 J3 k" P* F% d. b2 G
This service has been built for 3 years, a real dream journey to the West! Off market skin change
/ D4 }* \2 d; X- M$ J; {6 {9 G本服历经3年打造, 真正的梦幻西游!非市面换皮0 Y9 q6 \5 ]$ L8 l2 e2 w
The real exclusive version of the whole network is independently developed and updated by the professional technical team1 V: B2 ^0 s1 \) r, G1 t
真正的全网独家版本 专业技术团队自主研发更新
! V- p: e" @# p7 uJust to keep the last pure land of dreams and restore classics
% e' R; {" B7 H" ~& f6 Z7 ?只为守住梦幻的最后一片净土,还原经典. _" m+ B1 I$ k) t1 a8 h" @
Concentration has no fancy function
3 Y  z6 e7 L3 W+ j( k专注情怀没有花里胡哨的功能
3 u6 M1 q2 _3 N/ P9 N" {% [4 BAll damage formulas combat data 1:1 national uniform" \% t3 _* }# \+ Q. j6 H+ K2 u
6 o$ C- H# [% `2 @Restore all characteristic playing methods, pure self-study, and renew the leading edge with you in 2004
0 N& y5 ?9 l8 Z  C; B还原所有特色玩法,纯自研2004年梦幻 与你再续前缘7 G! S' ]) X4 b& @
All original featured activities are open in the game
3 e; y9 U7 D) z# @; \7 U5 |游戏内开放所有原有特色活动
4 r- ?1 a4 Q+ u: D' oSect breakthrough, imperial examination, foreign nationality, Chang'an defense, swimming and cash cow
* @5 j; ~) Z4 [! H* v门派闯关,科举,外族,长安保卫战,游泳,摇钱树应有尽有 ( n3 M5 r3 o7 X; e$ O
Unique play methods: monopoly, Gobang, chess, little turtle race, alchemy furnace, antique auction
' a9 `/ N& o7 c- ~2 A9 p2 o特色玩法独家开创:大富翁、五子棋、象棋、小龟赛跑、炼丹炉、古董拍卖
9 H1 p, m' v' t2 Z0 F8 WRoutine tasks: Desha catches ghosts, King's official treasure map, escort race task, flower fragrance task, five elements cultivation task, Wuji country, waterway conference, wild goose pagoda maze escort King competition/ h  n" @! S4 }9 w9 O
常规任务:地煞 抓鬼 鬼王 官职 宝图 押镖 种族任务,花香香任务 五行修业任务 乌鸡国、水路大会、雁塔迷宫 镖王' X$ d8 U; V* R/ ?7 a1 M2 m
The old area has been stable and open for 3 years. It is the only long-term service in the whole network and will never be closed. Welcome to experience the real restoration of 1:1 QQ group number: 761465065 portal
7 ]! n; Z& q3 l9 D' H2 q+ P4 H! u老区已稳定开放3年,全网唯一的长久服,永不关服,欢迎体验 真实还原1:1 QQ群号:761465065   
* c( z+ q3 L9 R3 x4 V5 t$ SIf the group file download client does not understand, contact the customer service, |* n! J/ I8 P$ ^
群文件下载客户端 不懂的联系客服) Z; k* U. X/ s8 p

% ^" R" S: {0 H4 @6 k0 y% w: kThe following is a real screenshot of the game' W7 s  j. r: ]  c/ r
以下为游戏真实截图0 A# M' t! F% B  L! ]9 B8 ]/ @

6 K# Q6 q% v2 \, J! _! c( M/ f8 C* U) D5 U
8 o& D+ N! Y, ?3 T$ H5 w

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